Rock Garden Christian Camp
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Family Care Safety Registry for Background Screening

If you would be interested in volunteering at Rock Garden Christian Camp, there are opportunities for you to help us. Scriptures teach us to use our various gifts God has given us to use. 

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10.

To volunteer for a specific week of camp, we do require each volunteer to have a "verifiable" background check. A "verifiable" background check is any up to date, background check you may already have from your work, church, school...that the Camp Manager can verify if necessary. We will need this background check to be sent to the camp prior to the week of camp you want to volunteer at. 
If you do not already have a background check, you can click the button above to use the "Family Care Safety Registry".  There is a small fee.

Please let us know you are wanting to volunteer prior to the week of camp. You can contact the Camp Manager or the Dean of the week of camp you are volunteering for if you need more information or any questions. 

Please send ALL background checks to the camp, prior to the week of camp you are volunteering for. Send it by email, snail mail, hand delivery, carrier pigeon, pony express...

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to mentor, teach, encourage, being a good example, and helping kids grow in Christ at Rock Garden Christian Camp. You are greatly needed and appreciated! May God bless you abundantly for using your time and talents for His Kingdom. 

Mail to: Rock Garden Christian Camp, 4105 State Route 17, Pomona MO. 65789. 
Phone: 417-277-5621                                 Email: