Rock Garden Christian Camp
Pre-registration is encouraged online; however, paper registrations are available to be filled out at check in at the camp. Paper registration are cash only. Paper registrations excluded for Family Camp.
RGCC Camp Rules
All campers are expected to participate in all camp activities and to abide by the camp schedule.
All campers are expected to treat other campers in a Christian manner.
No one will be permitted to leave camp without permission of the Dean of the week and/or the Camp Manager. Automobiles are unnecessary during the camp period. All vehicles are considered “parked” for the duration of camp. (High School Week only)
The use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, vapes, lighters, matches, or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Any camper or staff member who possess these items will be sent home immediately, and law enforcement may be called if necessary.
Modesty in dress shall prevail at all times. Girls, no tight-fitting clothing, spaghetti strap or V-neck tops, or two-piece bathing suits. Boys, no sleeveless or cut-off shirts. All shorts (boys and girls) must have a minimum 6-inch inseam. No inappropriate language, designs, or signs/symbols are permitted on clothing. Shoes must be worn at all times. You will be asked to change if clothing is inappropriate.
No foul language, rough conduct, rude teasing, or practical joking allowed.
Swimming will be permitted only at scheduled times. A lifeguard is required any time campers are in the pool.
It is strongly encouraged that all electronic devices be left at home during camp. This includes such things as phones, games, computers…Phones may or may not be permitted during your week of camp. It is up to the Dean to decide what will be allowed. Any items that are determined to be distracting will be confiscated till the end of the week. Phones are not allowed to be out and used while in the dorms. Zero tolerance!
Respect of other people’s property and camp property is expected. Anyone who damages or destroys property is responsible for repair or replacement.
Visitors are discouraged during camp; however, all visitors must check in with the Camp Manager or Dean of the week and must abide by all camp rules.
No food or drinks are allowed in the dorms. Bottled water is allowed in the dorms.
The Camp Manager and Dean of the week reserve the right to dismiss and exclude from camp ANYONE who does not obey the camp rules. We come for a Christian purpose, and we cannot allow any person or group of persons to infringe upon the rights of other campers to have a good time and to learn Christian principles.
Registration for 9th-12th grade, 7th-8th grade, 5th-6th grade, 3rd-4th grade, 1st-2nd grade, Youth Preaching, Deeper Life, and Special Needs Camps, click here
Registration for Family Camp, Click Here